National organization seeks applicants to represent Team USA Oxford, Maine- Mushing USA the National Governing Body for sled dog sports in the USA has established a process for selecting teams to represent the US in the Mid-distance and Junior classes and will consider awarding additional berths in the Sprint and Nordic classes to represent the United States at the IFSS World Championships to be held in Daaquam, Quebec, Canada in January 2009. The decision to consider additional berths for the Sprint and Nordic classes came after the Quebec organizing committee made an official request of Mushing USA to field additional teams.The Mid-distance selection process will consider teams who have a demonstrated record in the two previous seasons of finishing in the top 10 percent of their respective fields, either mid-distance or stage races, with distances equal to, or greater than the mileage contested at the World Championships. The selection committee will also consider an applicant’s geographic residence with the goal of representing each of Mushing USA’s 4 regions: East, Central, West and Alaska.The 4-dog Junior and Junior Skijoring applicants must have a demonstrated proficiency in their chosen discipline. The goal of Mushing USA for the Junior divisions is to encourage participation and development of Junior mushers in both the Nome and Nordic styles of mushing.Competitors in the Sprint and Nordic classes who can demonstrate with their race record from the previous two years that they will likely improve the competitiveness of the MUSA team, are encouraged to apply for a berth.All applicants, regardless of discipline or class, must accompany their selection application with a check for 2009 MUSA membership dues and a separate check to cover the cost of a team jacket and all entry fees for all classes they are hoping to contest. The membership check will be cashed as soon as it is received. If an application is denied, the check for the jacket and entry fees will be returned to the applicant.Applications can be obtained by emailing . Completed applications should be forwarded to Sara Vanderwood, President of Mushing USA either by mail at 65 French Road, Oxford, Maine 04270 or by email at and should be received no later than Sept 15, 2008.


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