The Alaskan Malamute Help League is the largest association of Malamute owners in Canada. The AMHL is a Canada-wide registered charity dedicated to working with shelters, rescue groups and the public, to provide: education; information; support in finding lost and stolen dogs; encouragement and recognition of responsible dog ownership and achievement; assistance in placing Alaskan Malamutes at risk; and, as a last resort, providing hands-on rescue in Canada wherever possible. The AMHL now has members across Canada and the U.S.A. and a few in Australia and Europe who support our activities. Our quarterly newsletter keeps them informed and entertained, and there are regular get-togethers for sledding, hiking, weight pulling and skijoring. Certificates of achievement offered through our Working Dog program encourage and recognize their dogs’ accomplishments. We are always available to provide advice and information to Malamute owners, and have developed a rapidly expanding series of educational brochures. They deal with topics ranging from choosing a responsible Malamute breeder to training tips, as well as information about various activities suitable for Malamutes. Rescue will always be our main focus: assisting Malamutes, owners and animal shelters; caring for and placing dogs in appropriate homes.Although we take our work seriously, it doesn’t mean that we can’t have some fun doing it. We encourage and promote a variety of Malamute-related activities, and have developed a Working Dog Program. Our members participate in club-organized events that include sledding (both competitive and non-competitive), packing, weight-pulling, ski-joring, and agility. Our main fundraiser, Pac’N’Pull, held the first weekend in October, has grown to be Canada’s largest annual gathering of Malamutes and their owners. It attracts participants from across Canada and parts of the United States. From time to time, we offer events such as eye clinics, microchip clinics, and canine first aid courses. Oct 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th 2008 we are holding our 18th Annual and main fundraiser, “The Pac N Pull”, where we get over 100 people and their Malamutes out to this event . On Thursday, there is an overnight backpacking hike, Friday night we hold a Texas Holdem poker night at the Malamute Saloon (Club house), and on Saturday and Sunday there are various activities for the dogs and their human companions to enter, as well as Raffles and Auction.We need donations for the Raffles, Auction and prizes for the events. If the Mushing Magazine would be interested in donating a subscription to the your magazine or any other items to this event if would be very appreciated. The AMHL’s charitable non profit number : 86712 3895 RR0001. Email address : Mailing address for donations is: The Alaskan Malamute Help League, C/O Roger and Laura Wigley, 310 Highland Ave, Oshawa,Ont, Canada L1H 6A9 Phone number : 905-571-7521If you require any additional information, please call or email us.Sincerely Yours,Laura and Roger Wigley,