Yukon Quest: Fairbanks prepares for an early finish

Race fans predicted a fast 2007 Yukon Quest and the mushers are not disappointing them. If the race stays on pace, Fairbanks could see the winner crossing the finish line on the Chena River sometime Tuesday morning with the race for the top 5 positions later that evening. This is almost a day earlier than traditional races.The Yukon Quest Alaska Office in conjuntion with the Fairbanks Downtown Association has planned Yukon Quest Fest for this week, a series of events focused downtown and celebrating this international event. Events are set to begin on Wednesday night, Feb 21st at the Big I for the ‘Watch for the Headlamp Party’ to welcome mushers as they arrive. The Big I will have live music, door prizes, games and drink specials available for race fans as they await the teams.This party is still on track, however, we would like to welcome you to join us at the Big I on Tuesday as well. Insiders speculate that Tuesday night will be the time to watch the race for the top 5 positions. Stay warm and join the party at the Big I while we watch for the musher’s headlamp coming down the Chena River.Events will continue all week:Wed 2/21 – Watch for the Headlamp at the Big I – music, prizes, specialsThurs 2/22 – Yukon Quest Fest Comedy Night at Big Daddy’s – Fairbanks finest stand up comediansFri 2/23 – Meet the Mushers at Two Street (5-8 pm); Northern Art at New Horizons Gallery (all day); Fairbanks Documentary Debut – Dog Gone Additiction, the Women of the Yukon Quest at APLIC (7 pm); Robert Service and Far North Poetry Slam 530 3rd Street (8:30 pm)Sat 2/24 – Red Lantern Day with dog sled rides on the river, freight pulling dogs, games, prizes, etc. Finish Banquet, Westmark Hotel 6-10 pm.More details to follow or call 452.7954 for more information!


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