Tok Race of Champions

Day 2Times are yet to be posted.But, Jennifer Probert clung to her lead after being beaten by Trisha Seibold on the second day. The trail was much firmer today and the dogs had an easier time of the longer distances. Scott Campbell placed third, and Malinda Holmes fourth. Helen Lundberg held onto her lead in the 8-dog, and there was a lot of shuffling around in positions. Helen held off Christian Taveau, and Rob Downey moved up 5 places to come in third. Graham Howe slipped to the bottom of the placings after he had trouble on the trail. One of Graham’s dogs stopped suddenlyand bunched up the team. Laying the snow hook, Graham was able to straighten out the mess, but not before the dog in question slipped its collar and harness. Graham caught the dog, placed it back into the team, and got back to his sled. While this was happening two teams passed Graham. As he was replacing his gloves, one slipped onto the trail and fell behind. Graham continued with one glove, and arrived at the finish line with grossly swollen fingers and a nasty case of frostbite. Buddy started the open class with a 26 second lead over Egil. Egil had a very smooth run and managed to beat Buddy by a mere 5 seconds. Ross Saunderson placed third, and having not raced in Alaska for a few years, this was a great showing. The final race on many musher’s calendars was successful. The trail crew did a wonderful job, the town of Tok welcomed everyone with wonderful hospitality, and the race was very well organized and well attended. With one of the largest open class fields in many years, it is a testament to Tok Dog Mushers Association, and the town of Tok for putting on one of the finest races of the season. The best is always left till last!———————————————————————————————————-Day 1 Times6 dog1. Jennifer Probert 16:102. Trisha Seibold 16:422. Scott Campbell 16:424. Melissa Holmes 16:515. Angie Fitch 16:596. Kimberly Wells 17:047. Kris Rasey 17:058. Ami Gjeston 17:088. Forrest Seibold 17:0810. Aaron Campbell 17:1911. Bev Stevens 17:2012. Faith Gregory 17:2613. Jennifer Payne 17:2914. Bud Rice 17:3015. Christian Taveau 17:3915. Amy Dunlap 17:3917. Stacy Lanser 17:4918. Bill Stewart 17:5619. Steve Maggio 17:5720. Andrea Swingley 18:0021. Heather Hardy 18:0622. Greg Jurek 18:0823. Eddie Duque 18:1124. Sophia Daniels 18:1725. Josh Kastelle 19:2126. Wendy Callis 19:2327. Gail Hoekman 19:2828. Archie Wemark 19:5229. C. Christenson 19:5830. Shaun Hardy 20:118 Dog1. Helen Lundberg 23:132. Christian Taveau 23:433. Jennifer Payne 23:454. Wendy Callis 23:575. Bonnie Borba 23:596. Robbie Turner 24:047. Deb McGrath 24:058. Rob Downey 24:079. Stacy Lanser 24:0810. Graham Howe 24:1111. Dori Hollingsworth 24:3112. Amy Dunlap 24:3613. Gail Hoekman 24:4413. Ivana Nolke 24:4415. Andy Seitz 24:4516. Evelyn Beeter 24:5017. Brenda Burge 25:0318. Trisha Seibold 25:2519. Amanda Byrd 25:3020. Vince Heintzelman 25:3721. Heather Hardy 26:0622. Rex Jones 26:1123. Dan Kaushagen 26:1624. Carroll Johnson 26:1825. Mari Wood 26:2626. Bernie Paul 27:5027. C. Christenson 29:09Open.1. Blaine Streeper 48:082. Egil Ellis 48:343. Ross Saunderson 50:044. Ken Chezik 50:155. Arleigh Reynolds 50:236. Rob Peebles 52:027. Michael Tetzner 52:098. Eddie Dayton 52:429. Terry Streeper 53:0610. Mike Cox 53:1011. Allison Cousins 53:2912. Ed Wood 53:5313. Dave Johnson 54:0614. Mari Hoe-Raitto 54:1815. Heather Hardy 54:5816. Danny Beck 55:5617. Mike Sanford 56:3318. Mike Stephens 56:5419. Mari Wood 57:5820. Norm Hayashi 58:0221. Eddy Streeper DQ (2nd fastest day time)————————————————————————————————————————The 2007 Tok Race of Champions has drawn a field of 74 teams, 31 in the 6-dog, 27 teams in the 8-dog and 21 teams will start in the open class.As always, the race has brought together some of the biggest names in speed racing, and has brought back a few mushers who have been absent from Alaskan racing, including Ross Saunderson and Terry Streeper. The race has also welcomed some newcomers, and up an coming stars like Cousin Don’s daughter who is being primed for the Open North American next year.The atmosphere is exciting as mushers prepare their runners and teams for the conditions. With fresh snow, and a cool breeze, the trail will be slow and chilly.Racing starts at 9am with the 6-dog class, followed at 11am with the 8-dog class and finally the open class will leave the chute starting at 1pm.We will have race updates and maybe some interviews and photos, so stay tuned.


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