On Monday, a new junior-senior high school named for the late mushing pioneer — known as the “Father of the Iditarod” for overseeing organization and fund-raising for that iconic sled dog race — will open a few miles from the Redington home. “We’re blazing a trail to greatness here just like Joe Redington Sr did with the Iditarod and we hope to support them in their path,” Assistant Principal Claudia Blydenburgh said. Early this spring The Mat-Su Borough School District projected 370 students would attend Redington High. Fast forward to the inaugural day of school, a hundred more than that registered. Redington principal Tom Lytle thinks the overflow came from their open house when parents were able to see what the school had to offer. “The technology that’s included in this building and any other classroom is beyond anything else we have at this school,” Lytle said. To start, the school will only have 6th through 10th grade but Lytle says he wouldn’t have it any other way because to him it takes time to build a legacy.