Ready to Rondy!!!

The Starting order for the 2008 Anchorage World Championship Fur Rendezvous is as follows:1. Mary Wood2. Mike Cox3. Jaques Phillip4. Gary Markley5. Ed Wood6. Egil Ellis7. John Erhart8. Blaine Streeper9. Ross Saunderson10. Nils Hahn11. Bill Kornmuller12. Heather Hardy13. Don Cousins14. Jason Dunlap15. Courtney Moore16. Ricky Taylor17. Harry Alexxi18. Israel Silas19. Grant Beck#15 to 19, are rookies.Anchorage has a fair amount of snow, but has seen freeze-thaw cycles over the last few days. The drivers will get a chance to see the trail tomorrow and evaluate the conditions.Mushing Magazine will be at the race and have video interviews as well as photos asap after each day’s action. Stay tuned!!


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