Adopt a Husky Inc. raises over $25,000

Hello Mushing Magazine,On behalf of Adopt A Husky Inc. I would truly like to thank you for your magazine donation to our silent auction for this years Husky Hike fundraising event. It is companies like yours that help the Husky Hike be such a success each year.At this years event we hosted 370 people with over 220 dogs and were able to raise over $25,000 for the medical care,rehabilitation and rehoming of the Siberian Huskies in our care.img::amber-the-mal.jpg::400We were also able to collect over 12 lbs.of dog hair from our grooming booth to be sent to the Gulf coast to aid in the oil clean up effort. Attached you will find some photos from the event taken by one of our volunteers Tammie Variano who helped out at our grooming booth as well as our First Aid booth.We had all sizes and colors of “Sibes” a couple of Malamutes and even one beagle. They all enjoyed a 3 mile walk around a lake then on to lunch before stopping at some of our vendors,games and demo booths and of course our grand silent auction that contained over 160 items of products,goods and services as well as some sled racing memorabilia. We could not have achieved this without the cooperation of companies like yours who are so generous and supportive to our cause.As you may know we are a 501(c)3 organization so your donation is fully tax deductible.Thank you again for your support and we look forward to collaborating with you in the future.Happy Mushing !Kevin LaneHusky Hike Auction/Vendor CoordinatorIL/WI Volunteermail Voicemail (630) 672-7886 X 223


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