With the Pineapple Express brining warm weather from hawaii to the interior, teams face a 60+ degree change from the previous weeks sub-forty below temps. While the warm temperatures are a welcome change, they also pose a challenge – mushers will be running on soft trails with warm dogs. The two-day race is held at Chena Lakes Recreation Area on fast trails. Ice fisherman and families on weekend outings always stir up the excitement as the race runs over multi-use trails. We will have results over the next two days.The start order for the North Pole Championship is as follows: 4-Dog Class (3.8 miles)1 Andrea Swingley2 Paul Gregory3 Douglas Frank4 Courtney Frank5 Jennifer Probert—–2-Dog Skijoring Class (6.7 miles)1 Jim Herriges2 Susan Seitz3 Greg Jurek—–6-Dog Class (6.7 miles)1 Trish Seibold2 Gary Frank3 Jennifer Probert4 Faith Gregory5 Gary Callaghan6 Melissa Rouge7 Scott Campbell8 Robert Cadzow9 Beth Callis10 Ami Gjestson11 Morningside Dog Asylum12 Christian Taveau—–10-Dog Class (12 miles)1 Jill Schreiber2 Bonnie Borba3 Marvin Kokrine4 Christian Taveau5 Stacy Lanser6 Amanda Byrd7 Arleigh Reynolds8 Jeff Conn9 Ed Arobio10 Grahame Howe11 Trish Seibold12 Randy Dunbar13 Rob Downey