Six teams are now serving their mandatory layover in Dawson City. Sebastian Schnuelle just came in at 7:23am with 13 dogs pulling him into Dawson City. Hans Gatt arrived with 12 dogs at 6:15 am, making his team the fifth to complete the first half of the 2007 Yukon Quest.Gerry Willomitzer came in just before 5:30 this morning with 12 dogs, taking just over 20 hours to run the 100 miles from Scroggie Creek Dog Drop to Dawson City.??Hugh Neff trailed William Kleedehn by just over one hour and arrived with 12 dogs. Neff reported wet trail conditions along the route into the Klondike Capital City and took almost 19 1/2 hours to make his run.??Dawson City checkers are expecting Aaron Burmeister and Michelle Phillips to arrive any time now, and they could be travelling close together.??Five more teams are on the trail between Scroggie Creek and Dawson City, with 5 teams reported still in Scroggie Creek at this time.Communications have been intermittent from the dog drop at Scroggie Creek on the Stewart River. Ski planes will be flying in this morning to airlift dropped dogs back to Dawson City and to see if they can re-establish more regular contact between Scroggie Creek and Dawson City.??Last reports have Bob McAlpin leaving Pelly Crossing Checkpoint at 2:44 pm Monday, so his team should have passed Stepping Stone and be on their way towards Scroggie Creek.Updated 2-14-07, 3:41 am??Kleedehn followed Mackey in at 3:33 am Wednesday morning with one dog in the basket. William’s dogs looked great as they ate snow and wagged their tails. William was talkative and in good humor saying, ‘Well, maybe I should have camped longer, but I can’t give the entire race away.’ Kleedehn’s handlers led him across the Yukon River Ice Bridge and into the dog camp.