The Val Gagné Sled Dog Racing Committee of the Northern Ontario Sled Dog Club (NOSCD) wish to announce today that the Annual Northern Tel Sled Dog Race has been officially cancelled for this season. When the Club was forced to reschedule the event in the early part of January, there were some risks in running head-to-head with another already scheduled event. After a long assessment of the very full 2007 schedule, the Club felt comfortable moving to the February 10th weekend, as it didn’t look good for snow conditions for other races. With every other weekend occupied with multiple races, it was a decision that the Club did not take lightly. Many teams were registered as early signs of snow were not good in central Michigan. Well Mother Nature had another surprise this week by dumping the last minute snow on Michigan. The race committee has received countless cancellations this week from mushers heading the new found snow in Michigan. Because of it’s proximity as well as population base to draw from, the Michigan race would be worth many more points for teams that are chasing points for medals. As a result, the club was forced to cancel the event, due to the lack of entries. We want to take this opportunity to thank Northern Tel for their generous contribution to make this event possible as well as the local merchants and volunteers who assisted the Club to elevate the race to a world class event.