UPDATED-Rondy D2 times, interviews & photos

Some big surprises. More video, and interviews to come. Stay tuned!name: day2 time, 2day total, (overall position)Buddy Streeper: 86:06, 169.42 (1)Egil Ellis: 92:35, 178:12 (3) – two dogs in bagArleigh Reynolds: 116:59, 202.47 (9) trouble on the street coming homeBill Kornmuller: 88:57, 176:14 (2)Don Cousins: 97:34, 186:5 (5)Neil Johnson: 91:38, 181:23 (4)Michael Tetzner: DNF (Hit a Moose)Ed Wood: 109:17, 201:20 (8)Jason Dunlap: 97:08, 191:04 (6)Mike Cox: 102:21, 198:20 (7)Gary Markley: 110:25, 209:36Shane Goosen: 100:43, 202:35 (10)Heather Hardy: 100.56, 203:55Kari Skogan: 104:06, 207:18Mike Stephens: 130.1, 236:02Nils Hahn: 110:42, 219:22Bob Chlupach: 119.01, 229:1***unofficial times


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