Unanticipated Adventures Flying Home from Iditarod Trail

We are safely home and snug in the big city of Anchorage. All of us — your pilot scribes and our two journalists — feel a bit wiser for the experiences of the last 10 days, as well as humbled. The kindness of strangers was overwhelming. Visits with friends scattered across 1,000 miles were always enriching. And the welcome given to us in every village was uniformly wonderful.The trip west had been bursting with activity and a sense of anticipation. The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race felt different each time the terrain and climate changed, and that frenetic quality drove our timetables.With the race over, the trip back east made the country below seem almost desolate by comparison. No dog teams to look for; race checkpoints already taken down; even the Iditarod Air Force pilots’ radio frequency had gone silent.Read more here: http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/20130316/unanticipated-adventures-flying-home-iditarod-trail


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