Located in the heart of Fairbanks’ sprint mushing community lies the kennel of Dr. Arleigh Reynolds. Arleigh has been racing open-class sprints for less than a decade, yet has won some big races here in Alaska. This last year was perhaps the best for PileDriver kennel, having placed a close second in both of the major sprint races here in Alaska – The Rondy World Championship, and the Open North American Championship. On the final days of each of those races, Arleigh was down to 10 dogs, yet his exceptional crew hung tough, even putting in the best time on day 3 of the ONAC. Arleigh’s dogs’ bloodlines are quite varied in origin. Some of his lines go back to the Alaskan Husky lines of Harris Dunlap and Terri Killam dogs on the East Coast where he got his start, yet he has retained an open mind and has bred in some of the fastest lines of Vorstehs and Greysters from Europe. This is definitely a team to watch in the near future. If I were a betting man…… G.S.GUTS: (female, Kyle X Poker, 2006) The best leader I have ever owned. She has top end speed, never gets tired and would run through f ire. She has led every heat of every race the past 2 years and is one of a very few dogs in our kennel to make all 3 days of ONAC as a yearling. She is well named. FINNMARK: (male, Kyle X Natalie, 2004) Has led in 3 ONAC’s and 2 Rondy’s. Fin has great speed and stamina and is one of our best f inishing dogs.POKER: (female, Mike X Jade, 2000) Bred and raised by Eric and Stacy Lanser, Poker was the mother of most of their leaders—a good portion of their team the last few years they ran open. Eric referred to Poker as the standard by which all his other dogs were compared. She has retired into our kennel and we have bred her 3 times with Kyle. The f irst litter produced 6 dogs which made our team (5 leaders). There are 3 outstanding leaders in the second litter which turn 2 in December. The third litter was born this February and looks every bit as great as the first two. Poker’s pups have extraordinary stamina and very stable minds.KYLE: (male, Labben X Pin, 1999) Kyle is the foundation dog of our kennel. He has sired 25% of the puppies raised in our kennel over the last 10 years. In the last 5 years 75% of the dogs running in our team are from him including 100% of our leaders. His best attribute is his drive, his heart, and his head.TORPA: (male, Kyle X Natalie, 2004). Littermate to Fin, Torpa has led in 1 Rondy and 3 ONAC’s. Torpa has super speed, a great head and almost too much drive.BLAZE: (male, Kyle X Uli, 2004) Cut like Arnold Schwarzenneger, Blaze is the strongest & hardest pulling dog in our kennel. At 60lbs he is one of our largest dogs. Blaze never has anything but a bowstring tight tugline and has never been dropped from a race. BAJA: (female, Simba X Fran, 2004). This cross between Waerner/Naess hound and Joee Redington husky has given us a huge boost in performance in our kennel. Baja has made every heat of every race since ONAC of her yearling year. She finished every heat with a tight line and a closed mouth. The puppies we get when breeding her and her sisters to Kyle are big reason for our success these past two seasons.CABO: (female, Simba X Fran, 2004) A littermate to Baja, Cabo has run all 3 days in 4 ONAC’s. One of the best f inishing dogs we have, Cabo loves the heat and at 56 lbs is the second largest female in our kennel. She was bred to Kyle this spring and gave birth to 7 puppies. TRISHA: (female, Wombat X Annie, 2005) Trisha, a Kyle granddaughter, has run swing in race heats but two for the past 3 years. At 34 lbs she is the smallest dog in our team but worth her weight in gold.HECTOR: (male, Tmmie X Wander, 2006) This grandson of Kyle has run every heat of every race the past two seasons. Hector is rock solid, with speed and stamina ; he is all business. SNEAKY PETE: (male, Kyle X Poker, 2006). A full littermate to Guts, Pete has run in every race for the past 2 seasons. He runs anywhere from lead on back but races mostly in wheel. Pete eats, drinks, has great feet and is very focused.EIGER: (male, Kyle X Baja, 2006) At 63 lbs, Eiger is the largest dog in the kennel. He races from lead back through second swing. Comparable to Blaze in strength, Eiger has raced every heat of every race for the past two seasons including 3 heats of Exxon and one of ONAC in lead.K2: (female, Kyle X Baja, 2006) Enthusiastic, hard driving and tough K2 is my very best wheel dog. This littermate to Eiger was bred to Joee and Pam Redington’s Rookie this Spring. This litter of 10 are beautiful, uniform and look like champions. SIPPIE: (female, Simba x Ella, 2007) Sippie is another version of Waerner/ Naess hound bred to Redington husky. She is extremely powerful and at 60 lbs the largest female in our kennel. Sippie ran both the Rondy and ONAC this year. She is outstanding in the heat. JACK: (male, Simba X Tanner, 2008) At 61 lbs Jack is the second largest male in our kennel. Another Waerner/Naess X Redington cross, he is smooth as silk and smart and runs from wheel through lead. Jack was a big contributor to our success in ONAC and Rondy this year.TONKS: (female, Kyle X Uli, 2008) Running in lead with Guts, Tonks set the track record at Montana Creek this year for the open course. She is very fast, has great endurance and I expect her to be a big contributor this year in the big races.CLARK: (male, Kyle X Natalie, 2008) Clark is nearly the perfect dog; he runs from swing on back (usually in second swing, drives hard never tires and never does anything to draw your attention from the rhythm of the team. After running every race in the main team last season I expect Clark to be one of the dogs that helps the team improve next year. LEWIS: (male, Kyle X Natalie, 2008) Clark’s brother- literally a carbon copy of him. These two were our last gift from Natalie and are what you hope for when building a team for ONAC or Rondy- Great speed, stamina, feet and appetite.SUNNY: (female, Kyle X Sol, 2009) Sunny was the only yearling to make the team this past season, Very smooth and strong as she matures she should only improve. She was bred to Eric and Stacy Lanser’s Pine this Spring and their 10 pups are following well in their parent’s paw prints. CAESER: (male, Kyle X Poker, 2008) The second generation of this breeding, Caesar is perhaps the most talented young leader I have had since Kyle. He has great drive and enthusiasm and may even run in front of the main team this year.