What an exciting adventure! On Friday March 22nd Raven students boarded a bus with their sack lunches and winter gear and traveled to Salcha for an educational experience in Dog Mushing.Mike and Donna Ostler of 3 Dog Night Hostel demonstrated what it takes to own and care for a team of mushing dogs. Mike began an in-depth lesson with the students on all aspects of dog mushing: Starting with kennel and dog safety, they also introduced the students to terminology and an illustration of the two types of dog sleds. They also demonstrated lines, positions and commands given to the dogs. Mr. Ostler even gave them a lesson on trail etiquette when passing other teams or if a snow machine approaches from behind.Read more here: http://news.deltanewsweb.com/news/2013/03/27/raven-students-race-for-the-finish-line/