Quest 300 mushers leave Braeburn, travel to Carmacks

Yukon Quest 300 mushers have started arriving in Carmacks. Jeremie Matrishon set a blazing pace in to arrive at 19:56 Sunday night. By 2:16, after over 6 hours of rest, he was on his way to Mccabe Creek. Thomas Tetz arrived at 12:21 am Monday morning followed by Roland Waldispuel at 1:15 am who went straight through the checkpoint after a short stop for resupply at 1:23 am and now officially leads the raceEd Hopkins arrived shortly after 1:30, decided to scratch. He reported that while his dogs were running well and appeared to be happy and healthy, they did not have the appetite necessary to maintain good nutrition and hydration. Ed decided he didn’t want to risk their health and will now focus on supporting his wife, Michelle Phillips who is competing in the Yukon Quest.Volunteers await mushers still on the trail between Braeburn and Carmacks. Four mushers have already left Carmacks enroute to McCabe Creek Dog Drop: Roland Waldispuel (out 1:23 am), Jeremie Matrishon (out 2:16 am), Thomas Tetz (out 7:12 am) and Luc Twedell (in 3:27 am, out 8:15 am).Meanwhile, the middle of the pack rests and takes care of their teams in Carmacks. Mushers in last night include Geoffrian (in 3:51 am), Wehrli (in 4:15 am) DeNure (in 4:46 am) and Supremant (in 5:13 am).Still out on the trail are Rego, Jahr, Keller and McGlynn and Morrison. Fitzgerald scratched at Braeburn last night.


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