Minnesota Musher Wins 250-mile Can Am Crown

Quebec musher Mario Racine held onto his lead in the Can Am Crown 250 for 230 miles until Ryan Anderson overtook his team on the final leg between Allagash and Fort Kent.Anderson went on to claim his first Can Am Crown win and bragging rights as the only musher to capture back-to-back UP-200 and Can Am Crown wins in the same year.“I wanted to come here and win both the Can Am and UP in the same year,” the 30-year-old carpenter from Ray, Minn., said at the finish line at Lonesome Pine Ski Lodge on Monday morning. “As far as I know, it’s never been done.”Read more here: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/03/05/outdoors/minn-musher-wins-250-mile-can-am-crown/?ref=videos


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