Miki and Julie Collins in Willow, Alaska on June 24th

The Willow Dog Mushers Association invites the public to an afternoon with Miki and Julie Collins on June 24, 3 pm at the Willow Community Center. Admission is free for all. Doors open at 2:45 pm. Come and meet these twin sisters who live a truly Alaskan life style. They will present the latest slide show of their life in the bush and hold a question and answer period.The twins have written a few books including DOG DRIVER and TRAPLINE TWINS. But, you don’t have to be a dog musher to enjoy their light hearted presentation. Everyone is invited. We will also have a dessert social at the same time, so bring your favorite dessert to share. Miki and Julie will have books and merchandize for sale for those who are interested. WDMA membership forms will also be available at this show. Membership allows WDMA to continue to hold programs like this free of charge. Hope to see you there.For more information, contact Donna Quante, djqhusky@mtaonline.net


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