Ipswich’s Stewart prepares for World Championships at Myopia Dog Sled Races

She’s not old enough to drive or vote yet, but she can keep pace with those who are.Lily Stewart is a professional at age 15, winning prize money for dogsledding over the past year even while competing in adult divisions of her sport.The Ipswich resident is ready to bring her “game” to the next level, competing in the International Federation of Sleddog Sports (IFSS) World Championships in two divisions from March 1-3 next year in Fairbanks, Alaska.Read more here: http://www.wickedlocal.com/ipswich/newsnow/x2105870324/Ipswichs-Stewart-prepares-for-World-Championships-at-Myopia-Dog-Sled-Races#axzz2I5ELhAXY


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