Camp Rimini Rendezvous Picnic – Saturday, Sept 10, 2011

Montana Sled Dog, Inc., (Race to the Sky) is having a fall picnic at Ten Mile Day Use area on Rimini Road just outside Helena on Saturday, September 10 from 11:00-2:00. The Race will provide hot dogs, buns and condiments and everyone else is welcome to bring a salad or dessert and drinks for their family. The public, volunteers, interested people, sponsors, and visitors are invited to come and bring any interested friends.The Race will grill hot dogs, have sled dogs and rigs there, have educational information about the Race to the Sky, scheduled for February 10-15, 2012, a walk and talk on Camp Rimini War Dog Training and Reception Center by Dave Armstrong, and they will open up entries for this coming year’s Race to the Sky, Montana’s 350 mile dog sled race.Everything starts at 11:00 with a meet and greet with dog mushers and dogs, lunch at noon, and will end with Dave Armstrong’s walk and talk at 1:00. They will finish up around 2:00 p.m.To get to Ten Mile Day Use Area (from Helena), head west on Highway 12, just before you start climbing McDonald Pass, there is a sign for Rimini Road, turn left on Rimini Road, follow Rimini Road about five miles to Ten Mile Day Use Area which is on the left side of Rimini Road. We will grill hot dogs and eat there and then carpool to the original site of Camp Rimini just up the road. The Race to the Sky is scheduled for February 10-15, 2012. For the 350 mile race, we will be starting at Camp Rimini and finishing the first leg near Butte. The next day we will start at Lincoln, run 300 miles continuous and finish at Lincoln. The 100 mile junior race will start at Lincoln and finish at Seeley Lake again this year. New this year is the addition of an 8 dog 100 mile adult race which will also start at Lincoln and finish at Seeley Lake Community Center. They are excited about this additional opportunity for smaller teams to run the course as well. They will also open up entries for the 2012 race at the picnic. For entry forms, e-mail or We look forward to seeing you on September 10! Come be part of the fun. P.S. Montana Mountain Mushers will once again offer a Mushing 101 Clinic for beginners on Saturday, October 1 at Seeley Lake. For details, please contact


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