Fund Raising Auction & SocialThe Alaska Dog Mushers Association is holding their annual fundraising auction and membership drive on Friday, Nov. 18th at 6:00 pm. This social event is an open house at the Mushers Hall on Farmers Loop Road with food and drink provided. Stop by to hang out with your favorite mushers and bid on some great new and gently used items. Here are some of the items up for bid:12 hole dog box donated by Howling Dog Alaska https://howlingdogalaska.comJunior sled donated by Laughing Husky www.laughinghusky.com6-dog and 4-dog ganglines donated by Mainline GanglinesDog Driver books donated by Miki & Julie CollinsHandmade jewelry donated by Kriya DunlapTimBuk2 laptop/messenger bagWintergreen musher hatBugz ski goggles2 nights stay at Hampton Inn & Suites Fairbanks http://hamptoninn.hilton.comSubscriptions to Mushing Magazine www.mushing.com24 hour rental of a Fat Bike donated by Far North Fat Bikes www.farnorthfatbikes.com7 days pet boarding at Raitto Kennels www.raittokennelsalaska.comand more…If you have items you’d like to donate, please contact Ami Gjestson at 488-5621 or Watch for updates to the auction list on facebook and the ADMA