The Annamaet Challenge Series Race #5 will be held this Sunday, Feb. 5th. We will once again use post entry rules for sign-ups with no additional post entry fee. In Challenge Series races post entries for skijor must be submitted by 10:00 a.m., 4-dog must be submitted by 10:30 a.m., 6-dog must be submitted by 11:00 a.m., 8/10-dog and open class must be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Membership/trail pass is $50 for ADMA and entry fees are as follows: Skijor/4-dog class $15, 6/8/10-dog class $20, Open class $25.Please be aware of the temperature cut off as follows: Challenge Series races will be cancelled if the temperature at the Fairbanks International Airport is –25° Fahrenheit or below at 8:15 a.m. on the day of the race. The temperature reported at 907-458-3745 (option 1113) at the cutoff time, regardless of time of update, is considered the official airport temperature.Skijor class starts at 10:30 a.m. 4-dog will start 16 mins after the last skijor entrant leaves the start line (no earlier than 11:00) and if there are Junior entrants, they will start 6 mins after the last adult entrant. 16 mins after last 4-dog goes out will be the start time for the 6-dog class (no earlier than 11:30), again 6 mins after the last adult entrant the junior division will start. 16 mins after the last 6-dog, we will start the 8-dog class (no earlier than 12:00) and while the 8-dog class is out we will run the junior 1-dog class. Then the open class will start and the junior 2-dog class can run during that class. Racers will go out in order of sign-up.The pipes at the Mushers Hall froze up again during our recent cold snap with temps of –50, so there will be no access to running water and count on using a porta-potty for those pre-race jitters. The trail is being worked on and will hopefully be in fine shape for racing. Come on out and enjoy a fun day with the dogs!