40th Iditarod Poised To Start With Nod To Race, Trail History

Sixty-six mushers and their dogs will line up on Saturday for the launch of the 40th Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, an event that has grown from an obscure contest many considered a one-time lark into a world-famous, big-money sports extravaganza.The human contestants, many of whom have made the Iditarod their full-time career, have spent tens of thousands of dollars each in preparations. And the 16 dogs hitched to each of the high-tech sleds for the bulk of the race are the product of generations of scientific breeding, training, nutrition and veterinary care.Read more here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/02/us-iditarod-idUSTRE82113S20120302


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