2012 Junior Iditarod Winner – Conway Seavey

Willow, Alaska – Sunday, February 26, 2012 – JR IDITAROD XXXV Musher Conway Seavey (Bib #11) of Sterling, Alaska arrived at Willow Lake, Willow, Alaska at 3:52:00 pm Alaska Time with 10 dogs on his team claiming his first Jr. Iditarod Championship. Conway edged out his training partner, Benjamin Lyon, also of Sterling, Alaska by a fraction of a second. Conway also won the Willow Jr. 100 earlier this month. As of 4:59 PM AK Time, four teams had crossed the finish line.Conway Seavey, 15, says that “coming from where I come from it’s hard to avoid mushing. I started at four and have been helping my family train since then.” Conway is the fourth son of 2004 Iditarod champion Mitch Seavey to run the Jr. Iditarod and the grandson of Dan Seavey, who ran the first Iditarod back in 1973 and will be competing along with his son and a grandson again this year. Conway ran the Jr. Iditarod last year and finished 10th. He said, “Last year was a very eventful race. Merissa (Osmar) and I took a five hour detour 40 miles from the finish line—we were in first and second place at the time. I took a two hour rest and finished up in 10th place. This year, if nothing else, I plan to finish the Race without getting lost so the jokers in my family will give me some peace!” Conway is homeschooled and in the ninth grade. He says, “I aim to become a professional singer/songwriter/producer, so that’s what I spend the majority of my time doing. Although singing is what I live for, mushing is a fun ‘side job.’ I don’t see myself mushing pro after high school. I’m way smarter than that! Even if I’m not mushing, I’m sure I’ll end up owing a ‘furry creature’ or two!You can learn more about Conway at his personal website www.conwayseavey.com


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