Polardistans 160 is approximately 160 km and Polardistans 300 is approximately 300 km.
Check out the race on Facebook
Check out the race on Instagram
Both competitions are open for the registered purebred polar dogs of the breeds Alaskan malamute, Greenland dog, Samoyed, Siberian husky, Canadian eskimo dog and Lakutskaja laika.
Program Polardistans 2024
The secretariat is on the upper floor in Särna Camping’s reception. Veterinary pre-check and equipment control are carried out after registration in the secretariat. Veterinarians and judges are on site at Särna camping during the secretariat’s opening hours. All classes start at Särna lake and all classes finish in front of the main building at Särna camping.
10:00 – 17:00 Secretariat open for registration. The teams starting Monday and Tuesday are prioritized during Monday.
14:00 Start for Nordic 300 km.
The musher meeting for 300 km Nordic style is decided in connection with the registration.
18:00 – 19:00 Mandatory musher and handler meeting for RNB1 och RNB2 nome 300 km.
10:00 – 17:00 Secretariat open for registration.
12:00 – 13:30 Start for RNB1 och RNB2 nome 300 km.
18:00 – 19:00 Mandatory musher & handler meeting for RNB1, RNB2 nome and nordic 160 km and Open class 160 km and 300 km. The musher meeting takes place at the school.
10:00 – 10:30 Start for Open class 300 km.
14:00 – 15:00 Start for RNB2 nome and RNB Nordic 160 km.
18:00 – 20:00 Start for RNB1 and Open class 160 km.
During the evening, the first RNB1 teams 300 km are exspected at the finish. By midnight, the first RNB2 teams 300 km is also expected to arrive at the finish. The musher meeting takes place at the school.
Early in the morning, the first teams of 160 km are expected at the finish.
In the early afternoon, the first Open class 300 km teams are expected at the finish.During the day teams continue to arrive at the finish.
03:00 Checkpoint closing.
15:00 Last time to arrive at the finish.
17:00 Award ceremony at Särna Camping.
18:00 Dinner at your own cost at Särna Camping.