Any content that any individual (“Contributor”) may post on Mushing Magazine is subject to the terms below.
By submitting or contributing to Mushing Magazine (hereinafter referred to as “Mushing”), the artists/writer/journalist (hereinafter referred to as the “Contributor”) agrees to release the rights for cover photos, artwork, articles, poetry, and all other content provided to Mushing Magazine.
As a Contributor (“You”), I agree to allow Mushing Magazine to publish original articles written by You (the “Posts”) in Mushing Magazine. You grant Mushing Magazine the non-exclusive, worldwide right to publish in the Magazine, syndicate, and distribute all or a portion of the Posts in any language and format worldwide.
You grant Mushing Magazine the right to use Your name, likeness, information about You, and Your website’s logo, if applicable, in connection with the Posts.
Except for the rights granted to Mushing Magazine in this agreement, You retain all rights, including copyright, in the Posts.
You represent and warrant that You have the right to grant these rights; that the Posts are original; that they do not knowingly contain any untrue statements, invade any right of privacy, or infringe upon any statutory or common-law copyright, or otherwise violate the rights of any third party; and that all statements in the Posts that are asserted as facts are factual and based upon reasonable research for accuracy.
You agree to cooperate in the defense of any legal action brought against Mushing Magazine from the publication of the Posts. You agree to reveal to Mushing Magazine any actual or potential conflict of interest, including but not limited to any financial interest in any product, firm, or commercial venture relating to the post’s subject. Mushing Magazine reserves the right to remove any posts that violate its publishing standards that are available on the web.
Mushing Magazine may illustrate the Posts. You grant Mushing Magazine the right to edit the Posts for publication.
Mushing Magazine reserves the right to make changes to your submission without notice. Possible changes include rewriting a title or subtitle, reformatting section headings and paragraphs, changing a featured image, and removing undisclosed affiliate links. We will often make these editorial changes instead of rejecting a submission. If the author does not wish editorial changes to be made by the editorial team, a private note should be left at the top of the submission indicating the writer would prefer the editorial team to reject submissions that are not fit for publication. If the submission is rejected, the author must make the necessary changes before re-submitting.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Work, the Publisher shall notify you whether it accepts or rejects the Work for publication. It is mutually and expressly understood that the contributor is not entitled to nor expects any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for its submission.
Print, Electronic, and Digital Rights. We have the right to publish the Work in print, digital, or electronic form.
A published Post cannot be modified or deleted after 24 hours. Exceptions during the 24 hours include:
Typos or grammatical issues
Internal broken links
Minor fixes in references
With the few exceptions mentioned above, no modifications are possible after published Posts. It is at the editorial staff’s discretion to make changes within the 24-hour post-publication period. In some cases, we may reject to make a minor change if it was already in the final submission.
In exceptional circumstances, Mushing Magazine reserves the right to remove Posts, links, or other content from Mushing Magazine’s online platforms. Such action may be taken when (i) MushingMagazine has been advised that Posts are defamatory, infringes a third party’s intellectual property right, right to privacy, or other legal rights, or is otherwise unlawful; (ii) a court or government order has been issued, or is likely to be issued, requiring removal of such Posts. Removal may be temporary or permanent. Metadata (e.g., title and authors) will be retained and accompanied by a statement explaining why the Post has been removed.
The laws of the United States of America and Canada govern this agreement.
By submitting Posts to Mushing Magazine, You indicate acceptance of these terms.